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"Looking for Ben Wa Balls"

Jamila Aisha

Updated: May 27, 2023

Ben Wa Balls come in different materials - glass, metal, crystal, silicone, shapes (eggs, circles) and sizes. Most sex stores (virtual and brick and mortar) should sell the metal, glass, silicone options. Check to make sure they're medical grade or Pyrex.

You can also search crystal yoni eggs/balls on Etsy but make sure the crystals are certified. I personally prefer the undrilled yoni eggs because the strings of drilled yoni eggs can harbor bacteria.

You will also want to look into toy cleaners and lubricants. Water-based cleaners and lubes will be your best bet. Keep in mind oil will breakdown silicone. I personally prefer foam cleaners and then I place my balls/eggs in boiling water before and after use.

My SNB Kit: Connection has Ben Wa Balls along with other products perfect for yoni health, wellness and "connection." SNB Kits are available for a limited time during the Winter. Follow me on my socials and lookout for their availability.

Lastly, be sure to checkout my $10 Virtual Yoni Egg Exercise class on Tuesdays @ 10am (EST). You can purchase tickets for the class here.

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